The first planet of the "Celestial" collection is Saturn, which means "Sower", although it was also known by names such as Kronos (Ruler), Chronos (Time), Phaenon (Shining one), and Falcifer (Bearer of the Sickle), hence it was worshipped as a divine reaper.
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In ancient times, lead was considered the metal of this planet due to its black color, but Paracelsus believed that silver was more suitable. Since lead is toxic, in my work, I use silver covered with black gold.
Saturn's sacred number is 3, which in Kabbalah corresponds to the Divine Understanding (Binah, the third sephirah of the Tree of Life). This is why Saturn's figure is a triangle – a symbol that holds a particularly honorable place in various cultures, symbolizing the beginning of physical and spiritual life.
According to French manuscripts, Saturn's symbols are capable of "preserving a person in his long and happy old age from infirmities which are inseparable from great age":
à conserver la persone dans une longue et heureuse vieillesse exempt des infirmitez qui sont inseparables d’un grand l’age
French manuscript
In the middle is engraved Saturn's square. It is named as such because its mathematical properties are related to the number 3: it has three cells horizontally, vertically, and diagonally, the largest digit is 9 (3 squared), and the sum of all numbers is 45. According to Agrippa von Nettesheim, this square "helps in childbirth, makes people safe and powerful, and also provides to the success of petitions addressed to princes and authorities":
adiurare partum, reddere hominem tutum & potentem, atque præstare successus petitionum apud principes & potestates
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim
From this square, symbols engraved at the corners of the triangle are derived. They are associated with Saturn sacred numbers 15 and 45. In the Middle Ages, knights were advised to use a seal with these symbols "so that the horse would last a long time, because if one carries this seal in the right pocket, the horse will never be injured":
à un cavalier, affin que son cheval dure longtems car le portant dans sa poche du costé droit son cheval ne sera jamais blessé
French manuscript
Below the square is the "signature" of the archangel according to the medieval conception of the seven heavens located beyond the earthly sphere. In this aspect, Saturn corresponds to Cassiel (Qafsiel in the Kabbalistic tradition). In texts where this seal is mentioned, it is said that "his power extends over hidden treasures, which he can find for you and bring to the place you need; he gives everything you demand of him and even familiar spirits who will faithfully serve you":
son pouvoir est sur les tresors cachez qu’il vous decouvre et vous les apporte ou bon vous semble vous donne tout ce que vous lui demandez et des esprits familiers qui vous servent fidèlement
French manuscript
Saturn's sigils are placed along the edges of the square, as well as characters based on the geomantic figures of this planet, known as Tristitia (Sadness) and Carcer (Prison).
Since Saturn corresponds to the number 3, only 3 stones are inlaid in this talisman. In ancient lapidaries (books on the properties and nature of stones) sapphires are attributed to Saturn, as they are hard and associated with the hardness of character and depth of thought.
Also, the names of spirits corresponding to Saturn and its manifestations in the material world are engraved in the border.
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